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    Always and Never Enough



    It is a warm afternoon,incandescent.Each leaf looks lit from within.I‘m walking home across a field when I see a small brown head poking out of a patch of low bush blueberries.The creature doesn’t flee as I approach and suddenly stop,astonished.It is a fawn,sleek and newly minted,regarding me from the spot where it landed on earth.We both stare.The fawn tests my scent,flaring its nostrils as I slowly back away.The next morning it‘s gone,but there’s a small,oval depression on the ground.I press my hands into the flattened bushes.


    Though I cross that corner of the field nearly every day,I‘ve not seen another fawn since.That’s the way it is with wonder.

    When my husband and I moved to this skinny finger of Maine five years ago,we immediately set out on foot to explore the half-wild land and shore around our rented house.Like the wild creatures here,we have worn our own surreptitious trail through fields and woods,a mile-long path we call“the loop”.It passes within a few feet of where that fawn was born.



    I am walking past this spot again,on a cool spring evening,my brain still buzzing with the distractions of the day.A white throated sparrow calls from a spruce,releasing its song of longing.As I whistle back,the notes carry me out of my head sparrow‘s song is the Buddhist’s bell.Attention please,your presence is requested in the here and now,I am trying to show up.


    As I enter the woods strands of spider‘s silk cling to my face.The air smells of balsam.Coyotes have traveled this path,leaving twists of scat flecked with bone in the middle of the trail.A pack roamed this peninsula last fall,waking us all in the middle of the night with their yippees and howls,and taking cats,including mine.I never found his bones,so I buried crocus bulbs instead.I don’t blame the coyotes any more than the sharp-shinned hawk that stalks chickadees at our birdfeeder.It is the oldest way.Blood into feather,berry into fight.


    The more I walk this small circle of the planet,the more it calls me.I am out here at all hours,in all seasons,following intimations of mystery in the rustling of leaves,a slant of light,a flash of feathers.I couldn‘t tell you exactly what I’m looking for.Only that I‘ve been searching since I can remember,and that what reveals itself is always and never enough.


    Life converges in these woods.Deer rut in the fall and drop fawns in the spring,unceremoniously,in the middle of the field.Salamander and frog eggs swell and hatch in vernal pools.Underground,the trees share nutrients with their neighbors through an unimaginably vast and invisible network of fungi.





