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riest nodded, the scehe holodeck suddenly changed, and they were alla gree the middlethem, a square tomb had recently been dug.

    “sorry, young christian.”said heavily:”can't get you backwhere you came from, butbelieve it's the best place for you.” several starfleet officers came forward, raised the flagthe coffin for him, foldedflat, and putbackthe lidthe coffin.

    “restpeace, amen.“the coffin slowly descended, all the participants stoodand sang hymnsthe young dead.

    ambassador chu’tah attendeduss chinnyun’s rescue helped clear a path through the asteroi all the hymns were over,stood alone and sang the hymnshis own nation for the deceasedshow his respect for ritz’ everyone knew that his body would flythe distant stars,one would desecrate the sanctitythe sacre the endthe burial, wreathsblessings hung from the crosswhich the fleet insignia was carved.

    before stepping outthe holodeck arch, cpt.xuan turnedthe setting sun, the cloudsthe horizon shone beautifully,if they were guiding soulsheaven,where they should be.

    next, after saying goodbyeall her relativesritz poman's funeral, cpt.xuan walked alone into holodec arch opened, and she found herselfan american parish surroundedtwo-story housesthe sam the signs, she walked into the jimmy sterns'  knocked, and a placid - looking woman opened the door.

    “i've esee mr. jimmy stern.“ she said, bowing slightly.

    jimmy's familyno graduated from the starship academywashington, d.c. his older father and older brother were membersth the moment, the familythree people are sittinga round the coffin (in fact, thisa photon torpedo shell). around them, the phonographplaying the scientific researchers most like classica timetime, the mother willon the edgethe coffina low voice t, thisa kindhelpless expectation.

    “jimmy stern's a good boy, isn't he?“ mrs. stern claspe's hands.“he's always the best.“

    “yes,'am.“ xie xuan can see, although the other side expressioncalm, seem unmoved, butfact, her hearthiding a great pain, which had never been knownher.

    “promise me, captain.“ mrs. stern continued,“you will lead jimdistant stars,he wishes.“

    “yes,'am.“ cpt.xuan nodded.“i will liveto his expectations.“

    “thank you, captain.”

    by the tim walked into the starship's small bar the next day, the wake was over, and dozensjimmy stern's friends had laid out all the tables and chairs and gatheredreminisse about the past scientific researcher

    “heohe most diligent studentsour class.““i can still remember howmanagedget his assignment done whenhid his textbook, and, even so,was still rewardedthe teacher,“ recalled a classmatejim.“althoughfailedrealize his dreambeing a scientific officera starship, i thinkhas realized values far beyond these, andhas risenthe levela philosophy, which i don't know very well and need our deep understanding,“said.

    “exactly.“ xie xuan nodded,full view, she went onto the stage, although two young officers sacrificed their livesfor them, all the ship's staffs express full understanding and  don't blame the captain, and perhaps, without them, they wouldn't evenableexplore this region safely.“jimmie stern was a good and conscientious officer,his mother believed,“ she said, raising her head and looking around.“he's a good boy.“ xie xuan bowed her head.“he sacrificed his lifesave us. i will always remember whatdid, forever, forever...“

    the burial was attendedfew people, mostly officers and family members with whom they had som this time, two young officers’ bodies had been loaded into two oval black photo the torpedo tubes, they would follow a set course toward the galaxy, toward their native land,a warp speed9.9.

    once again, the honor guard covered the surfacesthe two photon torpedoes with a blue unio priest latuk kissed them one last time, and then the torpedo closed the lid and their faces  officers stepped forward and folded the flag, neatly and solemnly away.

    “eyes ahead.“ cpt.xuan stoodattention:“perhaps,will never see some one like that.“

    as the two torpedoes were pushed into the torpedo tube, she raised her head and made a standard vulcan greeting gesture.

    “live long, and prosper.”

    in the thruster's flame, two photon torpedoes cleared the 100-meter tube, onefrontthe other, turning into two red pointslight and disappearing among the starsthe distance.




